Will Fowler

What I'm Doing Now

Building New Stuff

After growing frustrated with how little of my work is visible publicly I have decided to create some products this year. To facilitate that I created Cornur LLC.

In the future, I will have a more formal place to follow its development but you can follow my current product here: AppCuts.


I am taking new clients right now. You can reach me at will@cornur.com if you would like to get in touch.


I am back in the gym after some months of 2020-induced inconsistency. I am regaining my strength nicely and having a lot of fun.

Showing My Work

Finished Austin Kleon's Show Your Work and have been thinking a lot about building a more public online presence. As a result I am possibly the last person to create a twitter account. Great book, highly recommended.

This is my now page. You should make one too!